Hand-Held Quilting Thimble

  -Quilt Faster
  -Make Smaller Stitches
  -Can't Fall Off Like Regular Thimble
  -Even quilt with fingernails!

Answering the cry of quilters in anguish over their regular thimbles, Jean Adkins invented the Hand-Held Quilting Thimble, which has been found to have many advantages over the traditional finger worn thimble. With the hand-held thimble you can quilt faster and make smaller stitches with less effort. It also doesn't fall off your finger, rub the side of your finger, or prohibit quilting with long fingernails. The thimble is made of stainless steel so you'll never need to replace it.

How does it work?

Most people do not realize how the thimble works at first. It is held as shown below (laying across the hand with fingers wrapped around it).

Position the needle in the fabric; place thimble on top of the needle. The deep indentations secure the needle from slipping.

Quilt in your usual manner, except do not push the needle through. Simply lift the thimble and it pushes the needle through for you! For use on heavy seams, grip the point of the needle between your thumb and thimble and pull forward through fabric.

The Hand-Held Quilting Thimble is protected by US Patent No. 4534495.

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